Tag Archives: girls

My inspiration…

8 Sep

Hello beauties,

The other day I was watching Breakfast at Tiffanys for the first proper time in my life (I know but I’m only 15) and even though it was a pretty long film, I completely feel in love with the film and Audrey Hepburn.

My new favourite film, Breakfast at Tiffanys

I’d admired Audrey Hepburn for a while now, more for the way she looked because you always see her picture around but I’d never seen a whole film with here in before but she was more of a face to me than an actress. I thought Breakfast at Tiffany was going to be a really old film that I wouldn’t understand but I was so surprised how modern the film seemed and also how Audrey acted too. She isn’t just a very pretty face.

I just can't get over how beautiful she is.

I just can’t get over how beautiful she is.

I guess I feel I can connect to her in a way, not only do we both have really dark big eyebrows, but she’s just independent and is clever and has gone out there and got exactly what she wanted. In my opinion she’s an inspiration for women. Audrey Hepburn will always be remembered, she wasn’t an actress who had 5 minutes of fame, and ended up disappearing or on Big Brother (yes, I know that wasn’t around in those days but it happens now days) she made a name for herself, and worked hard to earn that name and made herself an icon and an amazingly pretty one at that.


Touching up her lipstick in a completely classic and gorgeous outfit

I’m not saying I want to be an icon like her and be remembered by everyone in the whole world, but I do want to be something, not just disappear into the background, I want to be remembered for something, and when I find out what it is, I’ll let you all know! 😉 My dad said to me recently, ‘Whatever you do with your life, make sure it makes a difference to the world in some way.’

tabbycakey:Audrey Hepburn en pointe

Miss Hepburn messing around en pointe! Reminds me of myself a bit 😉

So from now on I’m going to Audrey Hepburn my way through life, wide eyed, big eyebrowed and making myself known. Touching up my make-up as I go, just like Audrey does, oh’ and occasionally muck about on pointe and pretend I can really do ballet en pointe. (Bet you’re glad to hear that Lauren! So if that is a bit cryptic if you don’t know about Lauren, but she’ll know what I’m talking about.)

Before the summer holidays, I went to the careers adviser, and I ended up being there for 2 hours when the appointment was only 40 minutes or so, and that was because she was the first person who actually didn’t question me or what I wanted to do, and I put that down to her knowing. I told her I really wanted to be a blogger, and she didn’t go ‘that’s not a job’ or ‘can you really earn money from that?’ She agreed and told me to ignore what everyone says because it’s my life and I don’t want to stay living in my small town anyway, and the people who judge me now for writing a blog, won’t be laughing anymore when I’m successful.

‘Nothing is fun about being in the wings when you have the chance to be in the spotlight.’

“Happy GIRLS are the PRETTIEST!” – Audrey Hepburn

So that is why Audrey Hepburn is my inspiration because even though she is one of the prettiest women the world has ever know, that never mattered, she believed in smiles and all women having beauty and she did very much make a difference to the world.

Oh and also, you see that picture above? That iconic look from Breakfast at Tiffanys? Well I’m working on a make-up tutorial for that look, so watch this space because I’m really looking forward to recreating it!

Who inspires you?

See you all soon,

Maisie xxx

My Love/ Hate Relationship with Beauty Tutorials…

10 Aug

Okay, let me set the scene which prompted me to write this post. (This post is a bit random, instead of a OOTD or haul, this is a bit more of a rant.)

So I love watching YouTube Tutorials, Tanya Burr’s in particular, so I look at the finished look and go ‘I’d really like to try that out, it looks really pretty.’ So I click on the video and start to watch it, she goes through foundations, and even though she might use a certain brand I know I’ll just use my own foundation and then the same with concealers. Everything is going great and I’m being so excited that I might be able to try out this beauty look, it comes to the eye shadow next, and out comes the MAC or NARS palette. ‘What’s so wrong with a MAC or NARS palette?’ I hear you ask, and my answer is nothing! I don’t actually have anything wrong with these palettes, I would love one myself but I can’t afford it and there lies the problem.

The majority of the viewers of beauty tutorials are teenage girls like me and I understand that these bloggers love these very expensive palettes but what I’d love is instead of assuming we all have these palettes and trying to guess ourselves what cheaper eye shadow looks about the same colour, they’d explain an equivalent colour to ‘Nylon’ or ‘Jest’ because I would really love to try out the looks but it’s so hard to try and recreate the same eye shadow looks not knowing what they really are.

Ride Up to the Moon Ride Up to the Moon Eyeshadow Palette

Oh’ no not NARS!

I have nothing against Youtubers and I love Tanya Burr, she’s amazingly talented and beautiful, I’d love to be just like her but I like to watch or read a tutorial where the make-up is more in a teenage girls league with very little money so I could recreate looks so much easier.

Okay, rant over! If anyone can help me out? Is there a blogger out there who can do tutorials just using normal ‘drugstore’ make-up? Anyway, I’ll be posting one of my normal (and non-ranty) post later today or tomorrow, see you all then!

Maisie xxx